Welcome to OpenGSQ Python’s documentation!
The OpenGSQ Python library provides a convenient way to query servers from applications written in the Python language.
- Protocols Tests
- test_ase
- test_battlefield
- test_doom3
- test_eos
- test_fivem
- test_gamespy1
- test_gamespy2
- test_gamespy3
- test_gamespy4
- test_kaillera
- test_killingfloor
- test_minecraft
- test_quake1
- test_quake2
- test_quake3
- test_raknet
- test_samp
- test_satisfactory
- test_scum
- test_source
- test_teamspeak3
- test_unreal2
- test_vcmp
- test_won
- Rcon Protocols Tests